Welcome to Aberdeen Pilates

Advanced Pilates For Injury Rehabilitation

Classes are on zoom and live classes are at The Hub in Cults, Aberdeen. Visit the contact page to ask about classes.

Rehabilitation Pilates

Our aim at Aberdeen Pilates is to teach clients how to help themselves, and to continue working closely with various practitioners to deliver the best professional and personal Pilates tuition available. While celebrities, dancers and elite athletes have enjoyed the benefits of Pilates for years, we understand Pilates is also very beneficial for those with acute injuries, chronic pain conditions, recovering post surgery, those with neurological conditions, and the more mature person. We work closely with many of the physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths and GPs in Aberdeen, as well as various remedial professionals.

Expert Pilates Instructors

Our instructors are all qualified Pilates instructors who have trained with the Pilates Institute in London, STOTT Pilates, Modern Pilates or Fitness Pilates.

Our classes are mostly on Zoom however we hold classes at The Hub in Cults, Aberdeen on Tuesday's and Thursdays. All our classes are advanced and we have no beginners classes at all at the moment. Visit our Classes page to see the current schedule and to read more about your instructor Kira Bowie.

I have had lower back problems for 18 years and I want to minimise further problems. Attending these classes has helped my back and abdomen muscles get stronger. Back ache has become much less since starting the course.

Contact us:

T. 01224 733018

M. 07752 153169


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